

Patentscope is a tool that allows users to search for patent information from various countries and regions. The web page shows the data coverage of the national collections, including the latest update, the frequency, the number of records, and the languages of each office.

PATENTSCOPE allows you to search 115 million patent documents from 4.8 million international patent applications (PCT) and other sources. You can use simple or advanced search options, filter by date, language, country and more.

PATENTSCOPE is a free online service run by WIPO that lets you search patent applications, documents and collections from various countries and languages. You can find patent data, trends, trends and translations for your business, research or policy-making needs.

1.46.4. Espacenet: free access to millions of patent documents. Find out if your invention is unique or if other inventors have filed patent applications that are considered to be prior art.

Learn how to use PATENTSCOPE, the free of charge patent search system provided by WIPO, to access millions of patent documents from various sources. This guide covers the data coverage, search interfaces, tools, settings, help and more.

Patentscope is a tool for technology intelligence and environmental scanning, developed by WIPO and the regional and national offices, that allows searching international patent applications in the full-text format. It can be used with other functionalities such as CLIR: automatic translator and WIPO Pearl: Multilingual Terminology Finder.

Learn about the features, strengths and data coverage of PATENTSCOPE, the online patent retrieval system of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). See how to use the simple search interface, the predefined generic search fields, the stemming and wildcard tools, and the new features in 2022.

PATENTSCOPE is a free online service that allows you to search and access patent documents from various sources. Learn how to use PATENTSCOPE, what content and features it offers, and how to contact the PATENTSCOPE team.

The video explains how to use PatentScope (WIPO's patent search system) for beginners in patent search, e.g. making search criteria with patent applicant, technical keyword, and patent filing date ...

PATENTSCOPE Advanced Search. elec*ty. "electric car"~50. EN_ALLTXT:"electric car"~50. ALLNAMES: (Mao Yumin) ALLNUM: (DK 2008 123) DP: [01.01.2000 TO 01.01.2001] (EN_TI:electric^10 EN_AB:"electric car") OR DE:solar^3. Query Assistant.

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